Colourful Spin (Photo credit: beapen) |
In my series on PRP (sorry for going back to PRP again), I said that a non-specific concoction of platelet derived growth factors (PDGFs) are unlikely to have a beneficial cosmetic outcome. A new study from Taiwan (Reference and link below) strengthen my point.
The authors seem to have come up with ‘skin renewal growth factors’ that stimulates fibroblast proliferation and inhibits keratinocytes and melanocytes. Inhibition of keratinocytes and melanocytes would reduce the risk of acanthosis nigricans and pigmentation as I postulated.
I do not have access to the full article, so I am little skeptical. Besides the preparation is of porcine origin.
However the study corroborates my view that, to assess the cosmetic effects of a growth factor mixture, you have to evaluate its effect on fibroblasts, keratinocytes and melanocytes and not just any one cell line.
Ref: (abstract)
Kuo-Hsien Wang, Yo-Ping G. Wu, Wen-Cheng Lo. An Ideal Preparation for Dermal Regeneration: Skin Renewal Growth Factors, the Growth Factor Composites from Porcine Platelets. Rejuvenation Research, Vol. 15, No. 6. (December 2012), pp. 613-623.
My Rating: 3 peels
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