Here is an interesting case report [1] of a mechanic with metallic foreign bodies detected by a surface scan with a magnet. There is an image in the article that shows a magnet hanging from his finger where a foreign body was identified. He should be careful during the screening in airports 🙂
Perceptions of OTC drug safety [2]
A recent study conducted in Germany showed that 90% of the population considered topical plant-based products safe for OTC use. Another study done to assess attitudes and beliefs about herbal products concluded that the participants were not averse to use them despite knowing the potential risks associated with the use(3).This study is important in the context of our topical steroid abuse drive. Probably we need such a study to understand user perceptions in South Asia for targeting educational campaigns effectively. [Added to thesis topics database]
Perfect Fire Hair!
‘Flame hairs’ is a trichoscopic feature described as hair residue from pulling anagen hairs in trichotillomania. However, a recent study [4] showed that flame hair is not specific for trichotillomania. The flame hair is a type of broken hair which can be seen in a variety of hair disorders such as alopecia areata, acute chemotherapy, radiotherapy-induced alopecias and traction alopecias.
1. Wu, C. S., Chen, W., Fu, T. Y., & Wei, K. C. (2015). Magnet hanging on the skin – An easy method to detect occult metallic cutaneous foreign body. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol, . PMID: 26332832
2. Barrenberg, E., & Garbe, E. (2015). Use of over-the-counter (OTC) drugs and perceptions of OTC drug safety among German adults. Eur J Clin Pharmacol, . PMID: 26300207
3. Harnack LJ, DeRosier KL, Rydell SA. Results of a population based survey of adults’ attitudes and beliefs about herbal products. J AmPharmAssoc 2003; 43: 596-601. PMID 14626752.
4. Miteva M, Tosti A, Flame Hair. Skin Appendage Disord 2015;1:105-109 [Full Text]
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