Showcasing your journal articles is important for better visibility. Traditionally, academic conferences were the best medium for showcasing research. Publication in reputed journals also ensures visibility. However with the deluge of journals in various specialities, publication in a good journal does not guarantee popularity. Besides, excellent articles published in low impact journals may go unnoticed.
Conventional citation matrices such as impact factor and h-index are nicely described in this article by Nigam & Nigam [ 1 ] Blogs and social media platforms such as twitter and Facebook are becoming more and more important in deciding the impact of a publication. Altmetrics is a non-traditional matrix proposed as an alternative to the conventional citation impact matrices. In addition to citation counts altmetrics covers blog, Twitter mentions, and downloads, etc.
Altmetric.com is a popular service offering the altmetric score of journal articles. It is integrated with various popular journal websites, displaying the score of each article in the form of a ‘donut’. Tweets and blog posts increase the altmetric score. Altmetric.com indexes only technical blogs of high repute. Dermatologist.co.in is indexed by altmetric since 2014.
TrendMD.com takes altmetrics to a whole new level. TrendMD displays similar articles on indexed websites thereby increasing the visibility of articles. Dermatologist.co.in is indexed by TrendMD as well.
Dermatologist.co.in is probably one of the first blogs in dermatology that has a panel of reviewers and offers a unique peer-review workflow. As a member of Dermatologists Sans Borders, If you want to showcase your published work on Dermatologist.co.in, please contact us. We typically need a summary of your article (not the abstract) in a form suitable for informal/semi-formal blogs in 250-1500 words. Images that do not violate copyright are also welcome. We also publish a short profile (2-3 lines) with an optional link to your clinic website. This may be helpful for SEO of your clinic website.
You can send the abstract to us as a word document. [See footnote for email: 2 ]. You can also directly add the text to the blog using the login credentials displayed on the Dermatologists Sans Border banner on Facebook and Linkedin. Here are few samples of interesting research papers published on our site.
- Imaging in nail disorders: An easy way out.
- The Koebner Phenomenon
- Esophageal involvement in Systemic Sclerosis and Morphea
We are also planning a virtual platform for live presentations that everybody can watch in real time on this website. We would like to call this vDERMCon™. If anybody is interested in being our first presenter, do give us a shout.
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- Nigam A, Nigam PK. Citation Index and Impact factor. Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol [serial online] 2012 [cited 2015 Mar 28];78:511-6. Available from: http://www.ijdvl.com/text.asp?2012/78/4/511/98093 ↩
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