Hansens Disease (Leprosy)

First Hansen’s I have seen after coming here. The treatment was hindered by the non availability of Dapsone and clofazamine. With the emergence of latest bactericidal drugs it is not much of a problem any more.

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Bell Eapen
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About Bell Eapen 247 Articles
Techie Dermatologist, Information Systems PhD, Supporter of Open-Source Software, Machine Learning and AI geek, loves cricket, Canadian wine and beer. [Resume]


  1. I am so glad you have mentioned that leprosy need not really be a health problem. The disease is curable and all the terrible deformities are preventable if leprosy is diagnosed and treated early, before there is nerve damage. In fact, after only a few days of treatment with MDT, leprosy patients can be rendered non-infectious and the more serious “lepromatous” type of leprosy can be cured in 2 years. The less serious types, like “tubuculoid”, can be cured in as little as 6 months. More information at :- http://www.webspawner.com/users/leprosy

  2. I had similar situation on my arm few years ago. My doctor gave me this cream (I don’t remember the name right now) and today my arm is flawless. Hope man or woman on this picture will have the same luck as me 🙂

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